Johnson Fleming Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration number: 736842. Registered in England and Wales No: 04385810.

Johnson Fleming Services Limited is not authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales, register number 08373606. VAT number: GB 420 400 955.

Johnson Fleming Future Life Planning Limited is an appointed representative of Johnson Fleming Limited. Johnson Fleming Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registration number: 624599. Registered in England and Wales No: 08871387.

The registered office for all companies is:

14 Caroline Point, 62 Caroline Street, Birmingham, B3 1UF.

Johnson Fleming Limited is a firm of Financial Advisers and our permitted business activity is advising and arranging life insurance, pensions, investments and general insurance contracts. Johnson Fleming Limited is not authorised as tax advisers, employment law specialists or advisers to pension scheme trustees. The Financial Conduct Authority does not regulate some forms of auto enrolment services, some pension communications services and some pensions governance services.

The services outlined within this website are examples of the range of services that Johnson Fleming Limited is able to offer. All services referred to do not necessarily form part of our core offering and therefore the actual costs for each service will be considered and agreed before we conduct any work on behalf of a client.

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